Applications open now for our new Out Of The Box programme

Following the success of Out of the Box 2023, J-Night and Hull City Arts Development are inviting applications for four new special collaborative commissions from musicians and artists across all musical genres.

READ: Out Of The Box 2023: Collaborative Music Case Studies

This is part of ongoing work that J-Night and Arts Development are undertaking to support the development of the Music Sector in Hull. Support for the creation of new work is one thing that is highly valued by the sector.

We are now inviting applications for the 2nd round of Out of the Box! (Deadline 1st March 2024 at midnight)

We are keen to support diversity in the music that is made in Hull, we recognize the value of the creative nourishment that occurs when artists from different genres collaborate.

The commissions will enable musicians to develop unusual collaborations and pairings, open up possibilities for exploration and challenge, and support musicians to create new work outside their normal musical boxes.

See below for examples of successful Out of the Box commissions:

Out of the Box!

The commissions will support the development of new work, with a payment of up to £3,000 for any of the following:

– New collaborations between artists of different musical genres, preferably who have not created work together previously
– Diverse groups or individuals working together to create new music
– Individual artists from different musical backgrounds developing new music through co-creation and sharing ideas and approaches

We are looking for original and exciting ideas and welcome proposals from individuals or groups that will be developed towards live performance. All collaborations in these Special Collaborative Commissions are to take place during 2024 in the city of Hull, resulting in a live sharing of the work at the Hull Jazz Festival between 09 to 23 November 2024.

Please note successful 2023 recipients can’t apply for this round of awards.

Submissions open from 2nd February to 1st March. Final deadline midnight 1st March 2024.

Your idea should meet the following criteria and should:

– Have intrinsic musical or artistic value
– Have collaboration at its heart
– Develop local artistic talent
– Promote innovation and excellence
– Support and celebrate cultural diversity
– Result in the creation of new music with a minimum of 20 minutes and a maximum of 40 minutes performance time

All commissions should have a musical outcome or work that can be shared in a performance setting to a wider audience through live performance.

The application will ask you to share:
– Your name, address, email and contact number (at least one collaborator should reside at a Hull postcode)
– A title and description of the project that you are proposing and the name, address and contact details of the lead individual or organisation involved, plus the name and email of all collaborators
– A full budget (including all fees, rehearsal and performance costs, hires and materials etc) and details of the amount you are applying for up to a maximum of £3,000. Please note we cannot fund the purchase of capital items.

Applications must be submitted by email before the deadline.

Please Note:
J-Night and Hull City Council operate an Equalities Policy with a clear commitment against all forms of discrimination on grounds of race, religion, sexuality, gender or disability.

The deadline for receipt of proposals is midnight on 1 March 2024

Applications must be submitted by email application form before the deadline to [email protected]


Out Of The Box – Guidelines (WORD)

Out Of The Box – Guidelines (PDF)

Application form:

Out Of The Box – Application (WORD)

Out Of The Box – Application (PDF)